Astounding Wolf-Man #1

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Jason Howard Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: July 4, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Witness the birth of the world's most unlikely superhero: The Astounding Wolf-Man!

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 25, 2007

    The rapid pace of the plotting, the simple origin and the small and accessible size of the supporting cast make for a comic book that reminds me of how Marvel Comics introduced characters in their first appearances in the early 1960s. Kirkman gets his story and hero established quickly, and while the plotting is somewhat by the numbers and familiar, at the end of the story, the reader really doesn't know what's going to come next. Will the Wolf-Man be an accidental hero such as the Hulk, or will he gain control and give his curse meaning with a clear, heroic goal? There's plenty of potential in the story at this point. I know whatever comes next with be traditional and comfortably familiar, but I like that I really don't know what it'll be. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Caryn A. Tate May 25, 2007

    This title will probably be a good fit for some readers; it just wasnt particularly for me. If youre a huge fan of classic horror/suspense, werewolf tales, etc., then go ahead and pick this up; its just not necessarily the comic for readers more like myself, who are fans of those things but are looking for a little something more. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Ultimate Goblin Oct 20, 2023

    It's nice. A catchy beginning. Just enough to get interested in the story. The art is simple and cartoonish, but I mostly like it. At least the Werewolf is awesome. And lol, looks like Kirkman can't write PG stories for Image. Every time I see him it's something with a lot of blood in it... Not like I'm against it.

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