Bomb Queen: Trump Card #3

Writer: Jimmie Robinson Artist: Jimmie Robinson Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 4, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

"NO QUEEF PRO QUO"-Bomb Queen lands in the crossfire when secrets are revealed about her presidential campaign, which forces her into a position nobody would ever believe-Bomb Queen DEFENDING a superhero!

  • 8.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jake Palermo Nov 3, 2020

    Bomb Queen Trump Card #3 is an issue that requires a bit of tolerance to fully grasp the situation. Which involves an intrigue plot that displays the title character's ability to stay on top of things. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    GWW - B Ferg Nov 5, 2020

    Bomb Queen 3 has just as much action as it does character examination. The issue ends with a battle between the White Knight and his teammates with Super Team Patriot. Robinson uses this battle to continue the conversation of path that could end with Bomb Queen as President. The most interesting thing is that just like everything else presented it is exactly plausible in comic and our reality. Proving sometimes you don't have to be better to win, you need to be worse. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Nov 4, 2020

    The first issue hit comics racks the week of the Republican National Convention. The third issue is released the day after the election. The series wraps-up next month with the fourth issue in the series, which makes it to comic shops on December 9th, the day after the officially mandated deadline for resolving all disputes for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. The final issue matches-up with the last possible day that the winner would be announced on this side of the comics page. Intended or not, the timing for this series has been a bit weird.  Read Full Review

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