Creator Owned Heroes #6

Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Steve Niles, Darwyn Cooke Artist: Jerry Lando, Andrew Ritchie Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 7, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

STARTING: a monthly feature featuring graphic strips and material by DARWYN COOKE.

Locked in a Peruvian Prison, Kill Switch awaits a Mexican hit squad as he tries to discover who put a bounty on his head and why. The bullets fly as our hero is led into a deadly game of death against the world's best and most eccentric assassins, but the gloves come off when they threaten his family.

His only son is dead, tried and hung for crimes the boy may or may not have committed. Now a father waits by the graveside. All he can do is pray and hope that his only son is not the evil the t more

  • 10
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Nov 6, 2012

    Let's recap: COS have some of the finest artisans in the industry today including Darwyn Cooke, which is a plus. You get three short comics along with advice on how to BREAK INTO THE COMICS INDUSTRY costing $3.99 for 48 pages. They do this every month for anyone who is willing to cough up four dollars! Why aren't you picking up this book? You owe it to yourself especially if you are an aspiring writer or artist. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Nov 8, 2012

    Once again, the real value of this comic lies in the interviews and columns from the various creators involved. We're also treated to a special short story by Darwyn Cooke, who will be contributing frequently going forward. If you are serious about working professionally in this industry, I urge you again, start reading this series. There is gold to be mined from the words of these experienced men and women.Creator-Owned Heroes #6 was exactly what I was hoping and expecting it to be. Well done. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Zac Boone Nov 7, 2012

    AsCreator Owned Heroes continues to pick up speed, I have to recommend you grab it. There's always a ton of interesting content, and while it's not there yet, this book has the potential to be a pillar of the comics community. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 7, 2012

    You have to commend everyone involved in CREATOR OWNED HEROES. Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Steve Niles have been delivering orignal characters and stories for six issues now. This is also another thing that makes Image Comics cool as well. We're seeing Darwyn Cooke being added to the roster as he has decided he needs to start doing more creator owned material. This is more than just a comic, it has a magazine feel to it with interviews and articles about getting started writing. The problem is both main stories are continuations from the last issue. Looking at the series overall, you know you'll get great stories but you never know what the stories will be about or if it'll be based on a genre you enjoy. For $3.99, you get 30 pages of story plus all the extra content. This truly is a good deal and a book you should think about supporting each month. Read Full Review

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