In a world where sunlight is deadly, Bax and Valerie sneak back into the city and plan to run away together, but circumstances force them to pick sides as a game of deceit unfolds between Cielo and her father over who will control the Scientist and his sunlight immunity.
The team behind Eclipse has shown a flair for making a nice, tight story arc that is interesting on it own, while still adding to the overall concept of the comic. This issue sets up the climax of the arc and really makes you excited to see how everything shakes out. Assuming the team keeps up this level of quality, Eclipse is one of the best written and looking books out there today. Read Full Review
This issue is a great read with amazing art. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review
Zack Kaplan's serviceable script performs as to expectations, the overall feel of the issue raised much higher than it perhaps deserves by the outstanding art and coloring. Read Full Review