Humanity is undergoing rapid evolution, and the rogue Dr. Hurley must take drastic measures to ensure humanity's safety. Meanwhile, Hannah discovers that the Catholic Church is harboring dangerous secrets, while Rochelle reveals a dreadful surprise to her girlfriend. Everything changes after this...
You get what you ask for, that seems to be the theme of Evolution #6. At this point now everyone in some way has found themselves directly involved in the undergoing of this rapid evolution. Drastic measures were definitely taken, secrets were brought to light, and relationships are shaken to the core. No stone was left unturned for those who have refused their chance at blissful ignorance to what is unfolding around them. Read Full Review
I'm still enjoying the rougher quality to the artwork with this series. This issue had some gore, which was accented by the sketchy style. It helped make the scenes grotesque without them being graphic. It's an interesting balance, all things considered. Read Full Review
There is charm to this series, but it's often left muddled upon the page. Read Full Review
This series feels like the slowest of burns. After six issues and it's like barely anything has happened. The three separate story lines, although great, seems to be what is dragging this series out. Its greatest strength is its greatest weakness.