Head Lopper #15

Writer: Andrew MacLean Artist: Andrew MacLean Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 17, 2021 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
9.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Assassins of the Dark Lord close in on our team of heroes as they blunder toward the second artifact, the Martan Keystone. Guarded by a monstrously huge spider, the Keystone won't be easily got and requires much teamwork, which proves difficult when Norgal goes missing. Always oversized. Always quarterly.

  • 9.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Mar 16, 2021

    A quarter of the year is already done and we get a Head Lopper issue to celebrate. Head Lopper #15 is an excellent issue and a great entry to this series. Maclean gets a lot more in-depth with our bearded, head-lopping hero, Norgal. Has slowly started to peel back the layers to him, with great effect. MacLean also does a great job of bringing us back into the fold of the story. After three months away, it can be a little difficult to remember where we left off. MacLean has seemed to have found that sweet spot of not totally recapping the issue, but yet, still giving us enough information to jog our memories. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Robert Mammone Mar 21, 2021

    More sword and sorcery insanity, with political intrigue, giant spiders, magical items and fun, compelling characters all swirling around in a heady mix. The sword and sorcery genre can at times lapse into tropes, with muscle bound characters breaking things in a cod-fantasy world to no great effect. Here, however, the world of the Head Lopper feels unique and tangible, brought to life by an artist who knows his creation inside and out, and who is eager to share his knowledge and sense of adventure with the widest audience possible. Bravo! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Mar 17, 2021

    Taken on its own Head Lopper #15 would be a thrilling adventure comic, one as well told as just about anything else published this week, but read in context the scope and ambition of this sword-swinging adventure are made all the more impressive. Read Full Review

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