Manifest Destiny #19

Writer: Chris Dingess Artist: Matthew Roberts Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: May 18, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
7.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Lewis & Clark didn't lead the first expedition west... nor were they the first to encounter the biggest mammal in all the land: Sasquatch!

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza May 19, 2016

    While Manifest Destiny might not be completely historically accurate in the underpinnings of life on the frontier, regardless of the beasties the crew encounters, the creative team of Dingess, Roberts, Akins, Gaudiano, Gieni, and Brosseau certainly make the adventure feel authentic. Every issue is a new calamity, steeped in new challenges, successes and losses, but all of it believable and surrounded with well-constructed context. And each issue leaves readers with a final scene that teases more, but leaves only a back cover to be closed, as readers are left to count down the days until the next. My only gripe about another riveting installment of Manifest Destiny is the fact that there simply isn't more, either more pages or a more frequent release. I'm thankful for what I get, but each installment is so gripping that I just want the next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi May 19, 2016

    Manifest Destiny is a great book for anyone who likes history and fiction. This series is filled with some really intense and dangerous truths, but just as many fibs. Put together, they create a truly brilliant, entertaining, and imaginative story. The creative team has done an amazing job at crafting this series, and anyone who is into this genre needs to read it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Levi Hunt May 19, 2016

    Manifest Destiny #19 is a great jumping-on point for this fascinatingly weird comic book Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Smith May 18, 2016

    Dingess is still writing an incredibly entertaining yarn. This arc starts off strong, and despite being called "Sasquatch", the slow build up of why it's called that is perfect. The premise of this book has always intrigued me, and continues to do so. The "secret history" aspect of it is so fun, especially the idea that Jefferson had sent explorers out before Lewis and Clark but they failed so history forgot them, it's brilliant. Do Lewis and Clark know that they weren't the first? Are they being kept in the dark? There are so many questions that need answered! When winter falls upon the Discovery Corps how will they react, or will they too succumb to the fate that claimed their predecessors? Read Full Review

  • 3.4
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp May 20, 2016

    I don't mind working for my entertainment, see my review of Snowfall #4 for evidence, but when you have break out the Rosetta Stone and Codine tablets the reward is not worth the effort. Read Full Review

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