Nomen Omen #13

Writer: Marco B. Bucci Artist: Jacopo Camagni Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 24, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN," Part Three-No spoilers of course, but let's just say the main theme of this issue is Ch-ch-changes. The world of NOMEN OMEN has changed in a pretty substantial way, and everyone in it must come to terms with it. Which means a huge party for some, a sacrifice for others, while for Becky... well, wait and see.

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Cat Wyatt Mar 25, 2021

    Nomen Omen #13 is a brilliant issue that isn't afraid to take risks " and bring with it great change. The entire world is in flux here, and there's no telling what will happen before the end. Alongside vibrant artwork, this is quickly turning into a memorable story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Mar 24, 2021

    There are only two issues left to go in the series after this one. While its easy to imagine this story continuing to wind itself through many, many years into the future, but Bucci and Camagni are working towards a climax that will doubtlessly involve a final showdown between Becky, Taranis and Medea. It doesnt feel terribly interesting in its thirteenth issue, but Beckys return to life with her heart intact at issues end is a pretty satisfying conclusion in and of itself. Forward action of the plot may have stalled a bit this issue, but it DOES pack a dramatic punch. Read Full Review

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