Oddly Normal’s troubles continue as she embarks on her first day of school in the magical land of Fignation.
If you're not hooked on this book by now, I don't know what to tell you. It's a fun story, the art is super pretty, and it's been easy to pick up with any single issue so far. You've missed some things, but there's nothing stopping you from getting all the benefit out of reading the issue. This isn't one of Image's big titles like East of West or Sex Criminals or Southern Bastards, but it's a freshman series by a new creator and he is killing it. Give it a try. Don't wait for the trade, pick it up now. Read it to your kids. Read it on the train. There's no bad way to experience Oddly Normal, folks. Read Full Review
Things are getting weird. In a good way. Read Full Review
"Oddly Normal" #3 is largely carried by Frampton's fanciful art, which makes the flaws in his story mostly forgivable. By taking his time to show readers around, story progress is slow, albeit quick enough to convince readers to come back if they like what they've seen. Read Full Review
Overall, this was a fun book. If you have kids interested in getting into comics, I'd recommend picking this up for them. Read Full Review
Oddly Normal #3 is okay, but still needs work. Read Full Review