Quinlan has been infected by Peter's nanites. They are suffering from horrific visions of Heaven and Hell. Reliving battles between Angels and Demons. Their mind can only take so much before it breaks...
Though the issue might not necessarily feel particularly strong in, and of itself, there is quite a lot that is to be respected about this next chapter in a potentially integral part of the Spawn Universe that could potentially pull it over into a new direction with a whole new genre. Schultz is clearly working towards a very interesting vision in what could happen given the right direction. The first seven issues dont necessarily feel like theyre making it the right stride, though. And it could take a while before everything is fine present in a way that would feel totally satisfying. Read Full Review
I like the art in this comic, like I do every time I ready Rat City. I like how vibrant the colors are, especially in the action scenes. Hopefully, there will be opportunity for Peter to move forward in his life, and not be used as a super soldier. It becomes apparent that Peter cares for Quinlans safety, and the safety of humanity. Read Full Review
RAT CITY #7 gives readers cool art and builds a few corners of the world, but this title is going nowhere fast. Erica Schultz's script is stuck in setup mode, and the main character, Peter, continues to sit in limbo as a background character. If Schulz has a story to tell, it's long past time to get to it. Read Full Review