Revival #14

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 25, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
9.2Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Em seeks redemption for herself by vowing to protect a young girl from the creature that haunts her. But can even a girl that can't die deal with something that may not be alive?

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Sep 25, 2013

    As always, the bookends and peripherals of this issue afford a tight yet teasing glimpse into the greater world of Mind MGMT, and close about the story proper like itchy trigger fingers around a power-drill. It's still a bit unclear how the stories of an early textual Mind Management assassin, a young Russian counter-agent and the Matryoshkas Field Guide notes (which this time come particularly well-matched with, and juxtaposed against, the action on the page) will come together and combust, but one thing is for sure: I'll be here when they do. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Alison "Boom" Baumgartner Sep 28, 2013

    This issue, along with #13, isgoing to be a great start for the third volume of ‘Revival' trades. In addition, for the first time in fourteen issues, I remember who everyone is, and that makes me beyond happy. I'm therefore totally stocked to read#15, though I think one of the reasons is I have a feeling we are going to get to see more of Brent, my favorite character. So I'm going to give this a well-deserved: Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Sep 24, 2013

    In short, this is the kind of focus I've been waiting for with Revival. One warning though, not everyone will like the final page. It's a little shocking for some but it does fit the adult themes that Revival more than dips its toes into. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Sep 27, 2013

    While it may not get the big press that other comics get, “Revival” has quietly and confidently been telling a story that explores the human condition in the face of an impossible situation. Seeley's writing has used his honed horror writing skills to create a fantastic horror comic that is chock full of fully realised, human feeling characters. Each character feels not only real, but important. That leads to a very serialised story that, thankfully, has no dead weight to bring it down. There is no quiet moment that breaks the tension that builds throughout each issue. Pairing that with Mike Norton's ability to play that story incredibly well against a town landscape that feels real and persistent was simply genius. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Sep 26, 2013

    Revival has really had a lot of ups and downs when reading in a monthly format but it's issues like this one that remind you why you enjoy this series and why you like these characters. There is always the looming mystery of what caused Revival Day and how the eventual outcome will be for all involved in the story. Also hope to see more Doomtree cameos in the future, those are my favorites. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Shahriar Mowla Oct 23, 2013

    Tim Seeley's REVIVAL is a treat; reading each issue gives you the sensation of watching a TV series. Comparisons with TWIN PEAKS have already been mentioned in previous critiques and in no way does it diminish the quality of storytelling by Seeeley and Norton. Even with so many characters in play, it never feels like anyone is being left out. The spotlight is on Jordan this time (even though other characters continue their development) - the little girl who started it all by being the first reviver to appear on TV which eventually created the nationwide commotion. Jordan's mind is in turmoil as she, like a lot others, is struggling to adjust to her second coming. Blaine's humane side is shown and through this, the author reveals how certain more

  • 8.5
    Gizmo Sep 16, 2014

    What's crazy is that Em is really turning into the villain of the series in a misguided nature. Very good issue.

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