In Neo Terra, a world of forgotten technology and natural magic, reckless young glide-wing pilot, Billy Boom Boom, must outwit the Pirate King to stop him from ushering in a new Dark Age.
CAMILLA D'ERRICO, (Burn, Nightmares and Fairy Tales) pencils this high adventure mini-series about loyalty, friendship, and what it means to be a true hero. Based on the Nintendo DS game 'The Sky Pirates of Neo Terra'.
If you consider comics like Sky Pirates glorified advertising material for the games they're based on, I don't know that I'd call this issue successful. I don't feel a desire to run out and pre-order Sky Pirates. Based on this issue alone I'm still not even sure what sort of game it's supposed to be, honestly. But does that really matter? Sky Pirates offers up a dose of good, clean fun with some Eastern influences. That's enough for me. Read Full Review
Though you might not expect a series tied to a video game to have this kind of quality, "The Sky Pirates of Neo Terra" #1 is a delightful series that could easily appeal to readers of all ages. I might not show it to my son, though, or he'll start bugging me about the video game already. Read Full Review
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