MOR-DREADNAUGHTS invade the palace and attack the URMeanwhile, MERLIN instructs KING ARTHUR as the SAXON threat grows, but is Arthur's ambition causing him to lose sight of the true objective - to protect MAGIC at all cost?
While I've said before, this is a story that should be all in one volume and not multiple issues, this one issue is sheer perfection as it launches things into what feels like a somehow even wilder and more impossible next level in that final page with a call for Arthur to return to defend birthright. Read Full Review
'StarHenge' #5 delivers and delivers big! On story and especially on art as we weave our way through the past, present and future in a head spinning, trippy ride that comes up in Celtic Britain with King Arthur as dominant force to be reckoned with at home and abroad. Truly a tour de force from creator Liam Sharp. Read Full Review
The art on these opening pages conveys a power that no amount of narration can. Ambers report of what happened carries weight entirely because we got to see it in all its glory. Read Full Review
Plots/sub plots finally begin to tie in together and move forward in the wake of the narrator's first deadly encounter from the previous issue.