In the wake of the massive battle with Mega Raptor, Derek and Super Dinosaur must rebuild the Dynamo Dome, but the evil SQUIDIOUS has other plans! It?s danger in the depths for our heroes!
This is as close to a "perfect" all ages book as I've been able to find. There are levels to be absorbed here, as my kids haven't dialed in as closely to the perils facing Derek's mother. They're marveling at the wide array of suits Super Dinosaur has. Regardless of what the kids or I are dialing into, there's no denying that this comic doesn't take itself too seriously. It exists to entertain and has fun doing it. Now's a good time for you to give this a go. There's even a low-priced trade paperback that recently came out to help bring you up to speed. Do you really need more reasons to check out "Super Dinosaur"? Read Full Review
It's a solid issue. Even if almost all of the crazy insanity takes place in the story's first-half, the remaining pages deal with important relationships and subtle changes at the Dynamo Dome. Worth a look. Read Full Review