FDA (Federal Demon Association) Advisory. Contents contain: one cult church where incantations are encoded into the playlist; one flesh-dwelling, food-obsessed demon; one seer capable of perceiving the spirit world but blinded to this one; one missing woman; one murder; one angel with an agenda of his own; and one rendezvous between supernatural investigator Joe Fitzgerald and the woman he loves, now deceased, in what may or may not be heaven. Warning: do not operate heavy equipment while reading.
I don't think I can rightly explain how psyched I am on this series. It gives me the fucking willies, and hits me right in the feels. It has the gritty feel of an urban detective drama, and the outlandishness of a supernatural tale. Ridiculous elements merge with stark realness to create something that is shocking, funny, sad, and mysterious. Read Full Review
The bottom line is that Ten Grand is a great story and I feel sorry for those of you that are going to wait for the trade or even worse have decided to pass on it all together. There seems to be a little of something in it for everyone. It's a horror book, that tells a love story, which mashes up as a crime thriller, that forces you to walk the moral line of what is right and what we are supposed to perceive as right. Issue two has expanded the dark world of Joe Fitzgerald and now is the time to start reading before the story hits its full stride. Read Full Review
There isn't much more I can say about this issue or series except that you need to buy it now. If you aren't currently reading Ten Grand, you are truly missing out on one the best books on the shelves. Read Full Review
Ten Grand is a comic that blends together several different genres to great effect. Straczynski and Templesmith work together perfectly. You have a fantastic story full of great character moments made even better by the otherworldly settings. Read Full Review
Whether you go through Heaven or Hell, you should read this book! Read Full Review
This comic has its unique twists and turns but it's the complete package that makes this comic worth checking out and is essential to any reader who loves supernatural horror. I am amazed that not many folks are talking about this comic as I do feel this could be a potential gem for comic of the year if the quality continues to be this excellent. Folks, no more talk: Buy it & enjoy this comic in the dark. Read Full Review
Questions are raised about the deal he made with heaven and an interesting twist at the end of the issue sheds a new light on events and raises all sorts of questions. Ben Templesmith's unique style of art brings the story to light in horrific and exquisite detail. Read Full Review
"Ten Grand" all of a sudden has everything going for it and it could become my favorite debut of the year. Read Full Review
“Ten Grand” #2 is a pleasure to read, and if theres one book that needs to be on your pull list this year, its this one. Read Full Review
“Ten Grand” is shaping up into something interesting, and while not all the emotions ring true just yet, we're getting there. Meantime, this is one gorgeous world, and one harrowing criminal landscape, not least because the goons involved have more than the usual methods at their disposal. This is underground crime gone magical, and all the more terrifying and fascinating for it. Read Full Review
"Ten Grand" #2 is another successful comic from Straczynski and Templesmith, and I have to hand it to them for giving their readers everything they wanted and then somehow more. With the doubts and surprises that have been added into the book, I feel like this is a comic that I'm into for the long haul. "Ten Grand" is definitely one of the big debuts for 2013. Read Full Review
TEN GRAND 2 is a great read and this is a series you need to jump onto. JMS and Templesmith are onto something amazing here, and you need to get on this book, before it's too late. By the way, there's a second printing of issue 1 this week, so there's no excuse to pick both up. JMS has developed a really cool story here with some amazing art from Templesmith. While it may be a tad tough to get used to the contrasting styles of pulp writing and more horror-stylized art, you'll be a fan, no doubt. Read Full Review
This combo of Templesmith and Straczynski is really turning out to be a diamond in the rough. Image Comics has a ton of great comic book series out there and I think this one is being left in the shadows, where it fits just nicely. I hope this book takes a twist I dont see coming. So if you are a fan of crime noirs with a supernatural twist than I think you will enjoy this book. Read Full Review
So, good news folks, this just in: Ten Grand #2 is even better than the first issue. Where the first issue was able to draw readers in and begin to like such an unlikeable character, this issue shows just how deep the story and Joe Fitzgerald are. Ben Templesmith's art rounds out an excellent comic and a brilliant new series, which is obviously off to a fantastic start. Read Full Review
Overall Ten Grand #2 is a solid follow up that does enough right to keep the series interesting, even if it only just barely moves the plot forward. Recommended. Read Full Review
ProsStrong engaging narrationThe art is gritty and gruesomeUnique supernatural conceptsConsMain protagonist too similar to John Constantine from HellblazerCommon character motiviations Read Full Review