Ricardo Guajardo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Weekly Crisis Reviews: 34
7.9Avg. Review Rating

A Distant Soil #40

Jun 12, 2013

While new readers will probably not enjoy the story due to being close to the end, they will appreciate the visual treats that the comic brings as much as those that have been following the series from very beginning.

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Alex + Ada #1

Nov 5, 2013

Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn bring a lot of personality to the cast as the dialogue seems more down to earth and feels fresh compared to other comics that feature dialogue heavy comics. The main character's troubles felt very sympathetic as every reader could relate except the settings help it stand out as it takes place in futuristic society. The art style is impressive for its smooth designs as it gave the characters a unique feel that grabbed my attention.

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Aphrodite IX #2

Jun 12, 2013

I enjoyed how not everything is what it seems and thus kicks off the next phase of the story. If there was one takeaway from the comic its that the cliffhanger really made me want to see the next issue despite my unfamiliarity with the comic. For new readers, I thought I didn't miss much due to the comic being the second issue of the series. That being said, if you are bold enough to try this comic out, you will be pleasantly surprised how entertaining this comic can be.

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Artifacts #28

Jun 12, 2013

Despite the potential, that can only take the book so far, as the art by Marco Turini has its rough spots during fight scenes but is adequate throughout the issue. There were moments where I had to look at a page for a good while so i can try to wrap my head knowing what happened in that same page but had to chalk it up to design flaws in the creative process. Overall, the book still retains its promise to be enjoyable but its has its moments where it stumbles in visuals and sometimes the cheesy dialogue hurt the book as well making this most folks can breeze through just to pass the time.

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #1

Aug 7, 2013

Want Walking Dead-style suspense? You came to the wrong place. Expecting Chew-level humor? Once again, you went to the wrong place. However, if you wanted to see folks get beat up by the baddest group of players around...now you're home.

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Clone #7

May 28, 2013

In the end, I can't help be disappointed by the cliffhanger & the execution as the premise has a lot of potential to be entertaining.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 11, 2013

Dead Body Road is a high octane comic that also lays down enough characterization to give personality to the characters as well. Sure, the dialogue can sometimes come across as cliche but I think with the talent involved its forgiving. If a reader wants a new comic to pick up that will bring fast and explosive scenes, they are not going to regret buying this title.

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East of West #6

Sep 25, 2013

For faithful readers, the only thing I can say right now is several elements are introduced during this comic that made me smile like a Cheshire cat and for new readers, I have to implore them to pick up the trade paperback that was released last month and pick up this issue...it's about to get interesting folks. I can argue with my fellow review staff that this was the best comic released this week and I dare anyone to argue otherwise.

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Fatale #15

Jun 26, 2013

That being said, this is not for the faint of heart as there are certain details that will sure raise some eyebrows and turns some heads in disgust. Despite the gruesome warning, it is still an enjoyable read that will have you coming back for more. Overall, if the reader wants a dark comic that is written by the industries best writers this is the title for them. It has a lot going for it and consistently been praised for both plot & art.

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Fatale #17

Sep 25, 2013

Overall I couldn't help but think this is another stellar release from Image. I cannot recommend enough despite it not being reader friendly but that doesn't stop them from enjoying a dark and chilling story topped with a nice dose of sex and violence.

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Fatale #18

Nov 5, 2013

If you are waiting for anymore positive reviews, please stop and go hunting for back issues as this has been among Image Comics consistent titles along with Saga and The Walking Dead. It certainly can be held to that high regard due to the creative talent involved and the top notch storytelling as well. It has become the few comic titles I have no doubt can bring me to look forward to reading.

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Five Ghosts #4

Jun 26, 2013

If there is one minor complaint about the book, is that there is no recap page to keep new readers from knowing what happened in the previous issues and will be lost if they pick up this issue. That being said, I highly enjoyed the comic regardless. I have to commend the creative team for delivering a comic for readers that want something different than what's out there. Trust me when I say, this book is one of the best hidden gems in Image today.

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Great Pacific #7

Jun 12, 2013

Joe Harris knows how to pull the reader in with the exposition and leave us wanting more as the issue ends. Martin Morazzo brought top notch art and the colors added more layers to the detail. These characters are unique as well as the setting, thus making this comic a solid purchase for those following the story while at the same time being a great jumping on point for new readers.

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Invincible #103

Jun 18, 2013

Is this a issue that new readers can jump into at this point? Probably. What makes comics interesting is the back issue diving, which is essential to the overall experience in reading this series. Personally, I say risk the $2.99 and see if Invincible can bring a fresh take in the superhero genre to your life.

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Invincible #104

Jul 17, 2013

While this issue isn't new reader friendly, where person who is barely getting into the series will definitely be lost. Though, I believe that if the comic delivers in all fronts, then the comic should grab both faithful and new readers despite that notion. One positive that severely is underrated in comics, is that book tells the reader where to go to look on a certain reference made by the characters. Too many positives outweigh the negatives and Invincible continues to have me looking forward to what comes next.

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Jupiter's Legacy #2

Jun 26, 2013

One thing I felt with one specific character is that she didn't get enough character development, but I will give Millar the benefit of the doubt as he knows where the payoff will lead to. Overall, I recommend this comic to returning & new readers of Millar's previous work and also Frank Quitely fans as he shows he has never lost a step.

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Love Stories (To Die For) #1

Sep 4, 2013

As much it pains me to say for the folks that tried their best to bring a different type of comic to readers, I cannot recommend this book for there are many things to go against it as I stated above.

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Manifest Destiny #1

Nov 12, 2013

The comic in general I had little expectations going into but by the end of the comic had me hook, line, and sinker. All I have to say this was my pick of the week in terms of what sold me into checking it out. Another solid title that is sure to be an interesting read in comics this year.

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Manifest Destiny #2

Dec 11, 2013

If you need more anymore convincing, it's possible this title isn't for you as I already given it enough praise. The creators have already validated themselves to being on the the Skybound imprint, which not many Image books can be in as it's originality can intrigue the most skeptic readers. Folks, look for it in the back issues, in my opinion it's going to be a hot comic in the next year.

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Mind the Gap #10

May 28, 2013

I have to give credit to Jim McCann for writing a great complex tale filled with a large cast of characters, which isn't easy in comics, especially for including a recap page that only helps new readers that want to jump into the story but fill them in on what's happened too.

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Miniature Jesus #3

Jun 18, 2013

I have to give this comic my full on recommendation as the comic delivers an out of body experience that no other comic on the market can. You have to give credit to Ted McKeever for bringing this variety to a market where not many risks are taken. New readers can appreciate the trippy storytelling and enjoy how different this comic is from the other books.

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Miniature Jesus #4

Aug 7, 2013

Sure, one drawback in the series is that if anyone were to drop in as a new reader they will surely be lost. Heck, I got to admit I'm not even sure what the general premise as I mentioned previously but I chalk that up to the creative aspect of the book. Of course it might even be read better as a collected edition thus the reason the plot seems scattered all over the place. That being said, I still can't help but appreciate what the comic brings to the table altogether. Miniature Jesus is confusing as ever, but the amount of quality work on it anybody will take notice as the comic still manages to grab me as a reader.

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Reality Check #1

Sep 4, 2013

Overall, I am intrigued by and recommend this book to fellow comic folks can crave not only a different type of comic. Not too many books can jump into both worlds of the writer & creation. remember that it's mainly a set up first issue where the reader is familiarizing themselves with both characters and its certainly a promising start.

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Saga #15

Oct 30, 2013

For this issue, I hate spoiling things in reviews as that ruins the surprise and brings down the expectations as well. I will say that if the reader has been loving the series so far, there is more to enjoy here. Nothing negative to say or anything that makes me gives it a thumbs in the middle either, this book is top notch not by the action scenes (which there are very few) but by the characters & their interactions. Folks, if you been on the fence for this long, you are missing out.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #188

Jun 5, 2013

The witty dialogue took me by surprise by what was said by certain characters, which made me have more respect for Larsen who is always keeping it fresh with cast & plot. While i am late jumping into the story, i really am eager to dig through back issues as there is plenty of intrigue, comedy, & action which I am very much looking forward to checking out more.

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Sex #8

Oct 30, 2013

The art in Sex is detailed abd fine but it feels a little bland and safe. For some strange reason I feel there is a joke lost somewhere that there is too much detail in this issue. The colors are are pretty good and can bring a lot of personality to a somehow dull issue. I feel bad for the creative team as I have given the book praise in the past but it seems that this issue missed some potential in terms of where it can be taken. Combine that with a feeling of confusion after finish reading this issue left a bad impression afterwards. I suppose you can say this series to starting to feel like the main character where nothing seems interesting despite the crazy cast and surroundings of the book.

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Sheltered #2

Aug 7, 2013

Overall, the comic manages to pick up the ball from the first issue and run with the momentum. The recap in the beginning does an excellent job telling the story thus far. I really can't describe how intriguing the idea of chaos and unpredictability the story is, making me believe that sometimes the worst enemies come from within. I'm telling you folks, this comic has potential to be another Image winner.

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Sheltered #3

Sep 3, 2013

As the plot thickens for the readers, I truly believe this comic is a sleeper hit of 2013. As the issues past into issue 3, I cannot recommend this comic enough as it can only get better for the readers to enjoy.

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Sidekick #2

Sep 11, 2013

Will I give the comic another chance? Sure, but it's more of a cautious tone as as we head to the third issue, we still haven't gotten many answers to the motivations of certain characters other than the emotional beat down of the star character of the book. JMS has done a great job in other books such as Ten Grand but Sidekick is another comic entirely, given the success of the writer I have to see where the payoff is despite my reservations for now.

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Ten Grand #2

Jun 5, 2013

This comic has its unique twists and turns but it's the complete package that makes this comic worth checking out and is essential to any reader who loves supernatural horror. I am amazed that not many folks are talking about this comic as I do feel this could be a potential gem for comic of the year if the quality continues to be this excellent. Folks, no more talk: Buy it & enjoy this comic in the dark.

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Ten Grand #3

Jul 3, 2013

Another home run to the already impressive work to both creators, readers can't afford to skip this comic if they crave supernatural horrors that has been left by other companies. While there are similar characters from other publishers, they do not have the same impact JMS is trying to establish in this world Ten Grand created. It doesn't matter if read in singles or for those that prefer to trade-wait, this is one book that shouldn't be left in the comic racks.

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The Walking Dead #111

Jun 12, 2013

This issue is so unpredictable you anticipate what the next page is and find yourself either having a sigh of relief or gasping at the gruesome details that Charlie Adlard delivers. While I will admit this is not a perfect jumping on point for new readers as it is in the middle of a story arc, reading this issue can make any person want to start at the beginning to find out where it all went wrong and thank Kirkman for writing the best and worst of humanity.

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The Walking Dead #114

Sep 12, 2013

I will admit that this issue isn't reader friendly if they jumped in now, however the title is so good i don't think its a huge concern due to high quality in writing & art. As the comic heads to another direction, I'm curious on a personal note where these characters are going in these upcoming issues. Can Rick and the gang survive? Who knows, but that's part of the excitement of finding out as Kirkland has many surprises up his sleeve.

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Umbral #1

Nov 12, 2013

I do feel this is a promising start to a comic that already delivers on all fronts and am already anticipating the next issue. The next wave of new titles in my opinion rivals other comic companies, and makes this worth buying on the all formats. Go pick this up folks!

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