In the aftermath of a devastating Terror attack, Muhammad and company are detained by Blue City's security forces. But when his low-rent crew is brought before a powerful politician, it's clear things aren't what they seem.
Eisner winner SALADIN AHMED and horror star DAVE ACOSTA up the sci-fi stakes!
I really like how the story progresses in this issue, compared to the previous entries. Read Full Review
Ahmed has found a nice mix of genres. The third issue of the series leans pretty heavily on the cyberpunk end of the equation. It works pretty well, but the ensemble of characters doesnt necessarily come across with a great deal of depth. Ahmed has a major part of the plot to lower into place, and it doesnt allow for a whole lot of interesting characterization in and within the machinery of the plot, but theres no doubt that more personality is coming in future issues. Read Full Review
This series, which started out with a lot of promise, has hit a creative skid lately. This issue only deepens that creative moat as it does little than to set up a next part of the story in the least interesting way and most predictable way possible. Read Full Review
There's nothing more terrifying than when a great book hits a stumble. Read Full Review