The Walking Dead #75

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Charlie Adlard Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: July 21, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
8.7Critic Rating
9.7User Rating

Lines are crossed, rules are broken and the peace and tranquility of the community is shattered. After months of safety and security are Rick and the crew even prepared for what they now face? As an added bonus: A very special back-up story drawn by RYAN OTTLEY in FULL COLOR, a first for THE WALKING DEAD! This issue is not to be missed.

  • 10
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 25, 2010

    The issue is one of the best in this series. There is even an incident with some zombies and some humans that really encompasses how tough this series can be to read. I'm not sure how a new person would fair picking this issue up but the story is highly entertaining and the comic contains a lot to hit much of a reader's emotional spectrum. This is a great read. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 21, 2010

    As a reward to his fans, Kirkman has also included an awesomely over-the-top, fully-colored back-up feature drawn by Ryan Ottley, a What If?-style story that imagines what the series might have read like had Kirkman stuck to his original (perhaps facetious) promise to eventually include aliens in this tale. The result is gorgeously drawn by Ottley, and will leave you simultaneously amused and thankful Kirkman had the audacity to keep his story focused firmly on human drama. 75 issues in and The Walking Dead keeps getting better and better. As excited as I am for the new television series, I'm more excited for issue #76. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jul 21, 2010

    Great issue! These plots have been simmering for awhile and Kirkman and Company know how to make it all pay it off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jul 22, 2010

    Good stuff, enjoyable stuff. Great anniversary issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie Jul 27, 2010

    So, while "The Walking Dead" still has the same problems that it's always had, it's also still buoyed by the strengths it's always had. Perhaps the cast will never truly learn the benefits of terseness at the end of the world, but I'll still probably be interested in how they got there and where they're headed next. Read Full Review

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