As a plague spreads across Europe, the Violator is enjoying the death and suffering of the human race. But soon he finds himself in the middle of a war between the forces of Heaven and a Hellspawn!
I'm living the journey of Violator, and it's good to start seeing the more sadistic and playful version of him once again. If anything, it can't get a little on the nose at times, but it's all in good fun. Violator's character arc is well executed, and to see a bit of warmth still left in his heart is intriguing. The artwork is a horror fans dream. The over stylized deformities of Violator in his meat suits will leave you with some powerful imagery. The colors of that will give it a lasting effect. This series continues to build and evolve in a wonderful way! Read Full Review
So far there doesn't seem to be an increase in tension from issue to issue. it's kind of difficult to find a central pulse of a series which just features a demon aimlessly wandering from place to place. It's fun in its own way. But it would really feel a lot more satisfying to see the direction that things are going in if they were actually going in some sort of a readily identifiable direction. That being said, it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun without any central conflict beyond the obvious. Read Full Review