Mission accomplished. Now what? Following the events of "Reborn," the team begins to reevaluate its purpose while lying low in Japan. Elsewhere, a new threat approaches in the form of a Youngblood-obsessed serial killer.
This issue for all intents an purposes bridges the gap between the events after Brynetec and Diehard's next move. Though by no means a standout, the events and story within issue #7 is one of necessity in order to provide the context for the plot to move forward. Read Full Review
A good first issue focused on Diehard. Read Full Review
While this comic wasn't what I expected when I picked it up, it wasn't a total loss. There is a detailed plot of political intrigue, that I'm sure enriches the storyline over-all, it's just not what I wanted from a Youngblood comic. Read Full Review
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