Roachmill #1
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Roachmill #1

Writer: Rich Hedden, Tom McWeeney Artist: Rich Hedden Publisher: Its Alive Release Date: March 1, 2023 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 1
N/ACritic Rating
7.5User Rating

IT'S ALIVE! presents the return of this fondly regarded series from the 1980s by Rich Hedden & Tom McWeeney about a mutated exterminator in 30th century New York. Need an exterminator to handle those rats? Pesky roaches ruining your sleep? Maybe Grandma's getting on your nerves? Call Roachmill Pest Control and we'll get the job done! The year is 2998 and the pest control industry has changed. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we have a brand new standard cover by Tom McWeeney, and seven variants by Rich Hedden, Tom McWeeney, Richard Pace, Nicolas Giacondino, Jay Fosgitt, Dan Christensen, and PopCultIcons.

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