O Maidens in your Savage Season Vol. 8
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O Maidens in your Savage Season Vol. 8

Writer: Nao Emoto Artist: Nao Emoto Publisher: Kodansha Release Date: November 4, 2020 Cover Price: $12.99 Critic Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Comrades, crushes, and former rivals take over the school as they protest the new no-dating policy that caused Sonezaki's expulsion. Together, their demands are louder, but so many butting heads means there's a whole lotta energy with no release. The night is long, but it's nothing new for the girls who've already weathered storm after storm. After the yelling and the crying, one can only hope that laughter will follow... When Kazusa entered high school, she joined the Literature Club. How could she have known that the chaos that ensued with every table read, every text message, every hug, was just this little thing called life?

  • 9.0
    Anime UK News - Demelza Feb 27, 2021

    Overall,O Maidens in your Savage Seasonfinishes just as it began as a relatable but highly entertaining read. The strengths of Mari Okadas writing are shown throughout the series but are certainly at their best here for the conclusion. While this volume loses some of the realism weve come to know the manga for, it still delivers a fantastic read. This is a story that belongs in everyones collection. Read Full Review

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