What I Love About You

What I Love About You

Publisher: Kodansha Release: Dec 2020 - Jan 2022 Volumes: 8 Critic Reviews: 0
N/A Avg. Critic Rating
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Yunoki has not only found himself in bed with a woman he doesn't know, but she insists they're already a couple?! The woman, Kotoka Hatsushima, is a charming, 23-year-old writer... who has one heck of a back fetish, and Yunoki fit the bill! And when she tells Yunoki that it was her hair that sealed the deal for him, he realizes the truth -- she knows about his hair fetish, AND she's absolutely right! He's mortified, but Kotoka sees reason -- if they float each others' boats and already know about each other's predilections...why not start a relationship? And Yunoki can't argue with that... thus the back/hair (not to be confused with back hair more

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