Daniel DosSantos is a young man living at the speed of life. After gaining powers from exposure to an extraterrestrial object, DosSantos became the rapid action superhero called ACCELL. The first of a new public kind of self-appointed crime fighter. Unfortunately, there are consequences to moving faster than sound. ACCELL about to learn that danger exists on the flipside of having super powers, and will have to grow up quickly to survive.
Do I love the debut? That's an understatement. I've enjoyed everything Lion Forge has released in their Catalyst Prime universe but this comic debuts in such a way that it challenges a lot of other superhero comics out there from the big two. It has a life that's missed by many and attention to detail that creates an experience that's heads above the rest. My favorite comic I've read this week. Read Full Review
If Noble brings the government intrigue, Accell #1 brings a healthy dose of humor and youthfulness to the line that is a delight to read, and serves as an excellent counterpoint to the somewhat grim tenor of Free Comic Book Day's The Event introductory issue. Read Full Review
Check it out for the incredible visual experience, and hope the story finds a hook while it still can. Read Full Review