1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1
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1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1

Writer: Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen Artist: Stephanie Hans, Marguerite Sauvage Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 10, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 14
7.8Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

• In the altered realms of BATTLEWORLD, Angela and Sera are WITCH HUNTERS, the scourges of King James' England, 1602.
•  In a land beset by magic and monstrosity, they seek a new and seductive evil-not witchbreed, but deal-making FAUSTIANS, who bargain with ancient creatures for unnatural power!
•  Moral ambiguity? Fancy allusions? Marguerite making the most of that English degree?
•  tl;dr - try 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA #1!
Rated T+

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jun 10, 2015

    After the extremely uneven run of 1602 tie-ins, this can only be called an extremely pleasant surprise. Bennett, Gillen, Sauvage and Hans have come together and made something truly beautiful here: a superhero fantasy story that feels like its beholden to both of those genres without being restricted by either one. It revels in what it is, and rightly so. Its characters feel rich and fleshed out, even if not all of them are direct references or analogs, and the world has a wonderful sense that it continues to stretch well beyond the panels that tell the story. The complaints above are the definition of minor annoyances and barely detract from what is one of the strongest debuts for a Secret Wars title yet. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jun 12, 2015

    Altogether, this is an issue where you get exactly what you are promised. I loved "1602 Witch Hunter Angela" #1, but it's definitely not going to be for every reader. Anyone who was excited by the solicit, though, will be pretty thrilled. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Jun 16, 2015

    Sauvage and Hans provide gorgeous pages. Sauvage's expressions, layouts, figures, and colors are stellar as always, and her designs for this world's version of MODOK ("It was a mechanism that seemed crafted to perform a solitary murderous purpose") is fantastic. Hans art is gorgeous as well, although the darkness of the pub scene muddied some of her colors. The rest of her art is her painterly best, especially her fae, goddess-of-the-wood inspired redesign of Enchantress, and Elizabethan-gentleman Bucky (Captain James Barnes, of Clan Buchanan of course). Very independent of the crossover it's a part of, Witch Hunter Angela #1 works as an ancillary to Secret Wars, but is a fine and witty thing unto itself; a deserving addition to the alternate-continuity Neil Gaiman wrought. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Zach Donley Aug 27, 2015

    All in all, Id say 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1 is a great read. It is fun, has super cool artwork, and is another excuse to see one of my favorites in action. If you dont take it all too seriously, you might have some fun checking it out, too. Has anyone else given this a chance? How do you feel about it? Let us know and Ill see you soon for 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #2! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jun 12, 2015

    1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1 is a good read but plays things too safe to be a great read. Angela & Serah in the 1602 landscape is almost too on the nose to feel exciting and new, and in this Secret Wars landscape that hurts the book. The characters are strong enough and the book is executed well enough that I'll be continuing with the next issue, but a little more sizzle wouldn't hurt. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer Jun 15, 2015

    Secret Wars has certainly allowed for creative freedom at a publishing house infamous for putting short editorial leashes on writers, but it can't all be great, and 1602 Witch Hunter Angela takes way too many missteps for it to be a great comic. The universe that the ish gets half of its title from just isn't represented enough, and the character giving her namesake to the other half of the title just isn't represented well. The art, while good, is just as unclear as the story with two artists sharing pages, and didn't add anything meaningful to the narrative. It's a good one, but not great. Read Full Review

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