Agent X #2

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: UDON, Alvin Lee, Eric Vedder, Rob Ross, Calvin Lo, Arnold Tsang Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Alex and Outlaw team-up to steal Punisher’s guns. What starts off as a good idea, ends as a bad decision!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 30, 2002

    Another enjoyable issue that I felt was somewhat undone by the decision to focus more of its energies on Agent X's partnership with Outlaw, at the expense of the time spent dealing with the Punisher. Now Outlaw ends up being a highly entertaining addition to this book's cast, and Gail Simone does a fairly solid job getting us inside the character's head, as we see there's a bit more to her than just a hired gun who dresses up like a cowboy. Still, with Agent X being largely a blank slate, at this stage of the game the character needs someone to interact with to keep things interesting, and it's a shame that the Punisher wasn't given more panel time with Agent X, as this would've likely resulted in some fun moments. Still, this book does earn marks for the rather unique means that it used to generate its encounter with the Punisher, and the wrap-up to this adventure was rather cute. Read Full Review

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