Agent X #3

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: UDON, Dave Ahn, Rob Ross, Omar Dogan, Calvin Lo, Arnold Tsang, Andrew Hou Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Alex and Outlaw take down some jewelry thieves. Meanwhile, Taskmaster leaves Sandi high and dry. Plus, the introduction of Mary Zero!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 1, 2002

    An issue that's not quite as strong as the previous two, but it still kept me entertained, and there's some very funny moments to be found in these pages, from the delightfully clever use of Marvel's new recap page format, to Agent X's kid in a candy store behavior as he makes his way through his condemned amusement park. This issue also adds a new supporting player to the book, as we're introduced to Mary Zero, who should fit in nicely as Agent X's answer to Harvey (except she's not a six foot rabbit). On the other hand there are parts of this issue where the comedy doesn't really flow from the story itself, but rather it feels like it's in the book simply to be amusing, and this was my biggest problem with this title in the comedy wasteland that Deadpool suffered through between Christopher Priest's departure & Gail Simone's arrival. However, there's still enough here to keep me from pushing the panic button just yet, and I do like the done-in-one format that this book looks to have Read Full Review

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