(Cover Date: September, 1987)
Summary: Spidey fights against Electro after his henchmen free him from a police paddywagon. He defeats him with water from a fire hydrant. Robbie Robertson holds a surprise party at the Bugle to congratulate Peter on his upcoming marriage. Peter gives MJ her ring while sticking to the apartment's ceiling. After leaving, MJ listens to a cassette tape from Bruce in his Ferrari. At Aunt May's home, Peter recalls his early days as Spidey & Gwen's death. When MJ arrives, they tell May & Anna that they are getting married. After they leave, MJ gets into Bruce's car with him. MJ shows up at Peter's apartment later & asks him to take her to where he goes to think. He takes her to the top of the Empire State Building. Afterwards, Peter spends the night looking at a picture of Gwen. After MJ & Peter get their marriage license, Peter asks Flash to be his best man. At dinner, Peter is about to tell MJ they should call it off, until she shows him a picture of her wedding dress. At Peter's bachelor party, Peter expresses his doubts about getting married, but Flash & Harry talk him out of calling it off. MJ gets a telegram from the persistent Bruce at her bachlorette party. That night Peter dreams of marrying MJ as Spidey with super-heroes & villains in attendance. Gwen tells Peter goodbye forever. Peter wakes up after the super-villains come after MJ, intending to kill her. MJ is picked up by Bruce after the party. Peter sits at the top of the Brooklyn Bridge holding a picture of Gwen. Both say that they have to make a decision. On their wedding day, MJ arrives an hour late in Bruce's car. Peter then shows up carrying his shoes. They exchange their vows. At the reception, MJ tells Peter that Bruce paid for their honeymoon to Paris, since he wasn't going on the trip with MJ. On returning, Peter carries MJ into their apartment with one arm & their suitcases in the other. more