Spider-Man and Captain America take on Doctor Doom AND a suicide bomber who has caused mass destruction at an airport.
John Romita Jr. has been letting me down lately with his depiction of Mary Jane as an anorexic, but in this issue, he beefs her up and gives her real emotion expressed with subtle head movements. Spidey he portrays as wiry and given a frame that recalls his namesake. His version of the mystery guest is beefier but also graceful. This character stands out when showing a human side in comprehending Spidey's interaction with Mary Jane. Read Full Review
This book calls upon the reader to go along with its hard to ignore plot contrivances, and to a certain extent it did manage to win me over, as the action sequences are a lot of fun, and J. Michael Straczynski is able to offer up some fairly amusing moments, as Peter tries to mend fences with Mary Jane in the middle of this chaos. However, there's a few too many scenes where the book feels like it's taking the readers acceptance for granted, and there's also a couple groaners such as Dr. Doom's encounter with the metal detector, that left me wondering if J. Michael Straczynski is writing down to his audience. Still this issue does get Peter & Mary Jane back together, and for this alone it earns my utmost thanks. Some topnotch art from John Romita Jr. doesn't hurt matters either. Read Full Review
Messy issue. Also, I never understood MJ. And I won't even try again.
P.S. this cover is iconic
J'ai poussé jusque-là la lecture du Spider-Man de Straczynski, mais pour moi c'est fini avec ce numéro qui est une honte. Histoire invraisemblable, dialogues sans intérêt, tout est mauvais, tout est insipide, tout est navrant. Il n'y aucune créativité, la psychologie est en carton – les personnages ne vivent pas, ils débitent des lieux communs, c'est à ce point qu'il est évident que le scénariste n'a rien travaillé et qu'il a écrit cette fumisterie en 3 minutes. Les précédents numéros, sans être merveilleux, laissaient tout de même espérer un sursaut, quelque chose qui donnerait de la hauteur et de l'épaisseur au personnage et de l'énergie et de l'intelligence aux intrigues. Mais le naufrage est complet et je n'aime pmore