Amazing Spider-Man #530

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Tyler Kirkham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 22, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
6.0Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Spidey's got a new lease on life, new powers, and a new costume, courtesy of his new best friend Tony Stark. So what could possibly go wrong? Lots, True Believer. With clouds quickly building on the horizon, the bonds that Spider-Man now forges may very well determine his capacity to withstand a storm that will shake the entire Marvel Universe.

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 4, 2006

    The Bad: The art is less than impressive. Kirkham's style is too rough and sketchy and lacks any detail. Plus, Kirkham's Peter Parker looks like he is 12 years old. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Apr 4, 2006

    Truth be told, this feels more like an Iron Man story with a Spider-Man guest-appearance than it does a book about Peter Parker, right down to the apparently arbitrary appearance of the Titanium Man as the issues villain du jour. To give him his dues, JMS does do his best to give us Spideys point of view whenever possible making the most of Peters voice during the committee hearing on the superhero registration act - but theres a definite feeling that his hands are somewhat tied by the (presumably) editorially-mandated plotting. This issue also provides a liberal sprinkling of Stracynski-brand humour, which can provoke wildly varying reactions in me dependent upon how well its integrated into his comics. Sadly, this time round its a misfire, and as his editors bicker away in caption boxes it only serves to detract from the real meat of the story and to cheapen what should be a fairly serious storyline, if the rumoured scale of the forthcoming Civil War is to be believed. Read Full Review

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