Amazing Spider-Man #548

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 23, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 10
7.7Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Blood Ties
AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING! Dan Slott (SHE-HULK, AVENGERS:THE INITIATIVE) and Steve McNiven (CIVIL WAR) wrap up the first amazing month of Brand New Day with a deadly conflict and surprise revelation that promises to make Spider-Man's life much more difficult in the coming months. Listen up Spider-philes, three times a month won't be nearly enough for you!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jan 23, 2008

    I'll always hate Joe Quesada for taking MJ away from Peter and ruining continuity with poor storytelling, but I'll be the first to admit that this new stuff is fun. Whether the next creative team will be able to build upon what Dan Slott has masterfully (and almost effortlessly) created, is something we'll find out soon. Very soon. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Kevin Jan 23, 2008

    Dan Slott shows that he?s more than able to weave an excellent Spidey story. It?s even so well structured that I didn?t even realize how quickly a simple mugging had escalated to an ambitious mob assassination. The dialogue is spot on and you get the rare instance of a thought-balloon that works seamlessly with everything else. I also like that Slott shied away from a traditional Spider-Man villain, even if Mr. Negative doesn?t have much depth to him presently. Same goes for the new supporting cast, which is ?there? but little else at the moment. Steve McNiven?s work is beautiful as always. He does a superb job of infusing every panel with as much detail as possible. He sometimes seems to put more work into background characters that a lot of artist do in their main subject. In the end, good writing + good art = go buy. It?s just the sunk costs that make that equation harder than it is? Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jan 23, 2008

    I'll hold out the end-all judgment until the book has sufficiently demonstrated its rotating creator method and shown its hand a bit more, but for its moderate shortcomings, Amazing Spider-Man is turning out to be a good time so far. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 29, 2008

    After finishing the initial story arc on this newly retconned Amazing Spider-Man, I feel that I have sufficient exposure to this new direction of this title in order to give a proper recommendation. I don't find Amazing Spider-Man to be a horrible read. It simply is a bit shallow and immature. If this were a monthly title then I'd recommend it to readers who enjoy a light hearted read that isn't very deep and makes for a fun and fast read. Pure popcorn for the brain. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jan 25, 2008

    Interestingly, there's nothing about this story that couldn't have been done under the old Spider-Man status quo, which makes me continue to question the wisdom of the continuity-bending reset of "One More Day". However, if this is the status quo that we've got to work with, so be it. If this first story is any indication, Marvel are looking to concentrate on good old-fashioned Spidey stories which hearken back to the classic era of the character. Whilst that approach doesn't come without its share of problems, it has resulted in a better comic than Spider-Man fans have been used to for the last couple of years. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 23, 2008

    You might enjoy it more than me. I don't know. I'm disenfranchised with the character and I'm not sure if I'm ever going to care about him the way I used to. Read Full Review

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