Amazing Spider-Man #558

Writer: Bob Gale Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 7, 2008 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
5.4Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

The frighteningly funky and fearsome Freak returns, more powerful than ever! Plus: Menace! Curt Connors! Aunt May! And lots of innocent bystanders!

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - M. Staples May 8, 2008

    The last half of the issue is where Gale and Kitson finally deliver as Spider-Man once again faces The Freak, and his jokes become funny and smart. Likewise, Kitson is great at displaying the action in this scene as well as the humor (especially in the facial expressions). The Freak, is without a doubt, the best character to come out of Brand New Day. While is extreme addiction to drugs should be saddening and pity-worthy, Gale writes it so that it is humorous, while at the same time giveing another "Stay away from drugs" lesson without brow-beating the reader. So, to anyone not pleased with Brand New Day, the first half of this issue certainly won't make you feel any better, but the second half definitely entertains. Read Full Review

  • 4.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel May 7, 2008

    Barry Kitson turns in some satisfactory visuals on the whole, but it's not even close to enough to salvage this wreck. On top of it all, there seems to be very little point to the entire thing. The overarching story is moved forward incrementally at best. "Brand New Day" won't win any new supporters if it keeps exploiting itself to produce junk like this. Read Full Review

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