"IDENTITY WARS," A THREE-PART ANNUAL EVENT STARTS HERE! In a perfect world, what could possibly go wrong? An exciting new story by Eisner Award Winning writers JOHN LAYMAN (Chew) and LEE GARBETT (Batgirl). Peter Parker thinks life couldn’t get any better—until an explosion at Horizon Labs plummets him (along with Deadpool and Hulk) into another dimension where The Amazing-Spider is the world’s most powerful and beloved hero and Peter Parker is a billionaire mogul playboy (with surprises in his supporting cast). Will Peter discover the price for perfection? And what dreams come true does this dimension hold for Deadpool and Hulk? Finmore
For those following an ongoing series, it's sometimes a debate whether or not to bother with the Annuals, because normally they aren't related to ongoing stories, and are kind of set apart and aren't viewed as essential reading for the particular title or character. Although I can't necessary make the argument that it's essential, I think it IS worth picking up, as it has a great sense of humour, has good art, a good story, and brings back the concept of interlinking annuals, and managed to make me, the cynical, jaded comic fan./reviewer, excited to read the next two chapters in this year's annuals for Deadpool and Incredible Hulks. Recommended! Read Full Review
Combined with the hints we get at the Hulk and Deadpool's stories, I can actually imagine wanting to see what's contained within them anyway, especially if they're as off-the-wall and unexpectedly fun as this one was. Read Full Review
There've been better Spidey Annuals for sure, and while I'm not sure this one is worth the dollar bump up to $3.99, it's an enjoyable Spider-Man tale that tackles some heavy concepts but never takes itself too seriously. Read Full Review
Really strong linework and a fun story can't save me the thought that I wasted $3.99 on this issue. The story presented in this issue is neat enough if you just want a fun, unencumbered Spider-Man story, but you're going to have to buy the Deadpool and Incredible Hulks annuals to read the ending. Boooo! Read Full Review