Racing against the clock, pursued by a merciless adversary, Quasar and Moondragon arrive on a barren world which just may contain the key to saving an entire galaxy. But what dark twist will turn their journey upside-down?
This issue continues the story and gives us a little action, but the main focus is Moondragon and what happens to her at the end of this issue. Still well worth the price of admission and an excellent addition to the Conquest saga. If you can afford more than Nova and Starlord each month, make sure this book is the next one on your list. Read Full Review
To sum up, this title is moving along at a workmanlike pace, providing enough background on the characters to keep the reader from feeling lost, but its a little clumsy and tends to rely on clichs instead of believable character interaction. Theres an attempt to create a sense of urgency, but it hasnt really gotten me. The art swings back and forth from nice and stylish to amateurish and rushed, with plenty of erect nipples, just in case the girl-on-girl hugging and kissing wasnt erotic enough for you. Ill keep reading, but its not the greatest thing on the stands. Even with that whacked-out final page. What the hell is that all about? Read Full Review