Black Panther #54

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Jorge Lucas Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Kevin at last finds out who put the hit on his father in prison! But a new danger arises as another cop is captured by the 66 Bridges gang, who all believe he is the TRUE Black Panther!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 16, 2003

    Another solid chapter in what is turning out to be some of the best crime-fiction to ever come out of Marvel. There's a reason why this book has held a pretty consistent spot on my top five list, and I must confess I was a little concerned when the new direction hit this title, but as we near the end of this opening arc, I have to say that my concerns have been completely done away with. The low level adventures of Kasper Cole are more than equal to most of T'Challa's more memorable global spanning arcs, as just because the problems are smaller in scope, doesn't mean they are any less entertaining. In fact the one advantage that Kasper Cole brings to the book is that as a character he's far more accessible, as T'Challa's entire gimmick is that the reader is never quite sure what is going on in his head. The T'Challa we're getting in this arc is also quite a surprise, as it would appear he's given up on life, and it's going to take something major to get him back on his feet. Read Full Review

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