Black Panther #60

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

The war with the 66 Bridges gang begins at last to come to a head! And so, Kevin Cole undergoes the ancient Wakadan Rite of TRULY become the Black Panther!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 16, 2003

    It's pretty clear that this arc is meant to establish Kasper Cole as a legitimate hero in the eyes of readers before he's punted over into the Crew, and I will concede that Christopher Priest offers up a pretty solid showcase of Kasper's ability to hold his own. The only problem is that I had rather been enjoying the character as a less than perfect hero who was not only allowed to drop the ball, but who also came up with clever plans that completely fell apart when he put then into motion. Now I realize that there's only so far one can go with a lead character who can't hold their own in a fight, but I feel this issue swings the pendulum a little too far in the other direction, as the battles he has in this issue lack the sense that he's just barely keeping his head above water, and this was exactly the feeling I went into this arc hoping to find. I mean this is his trial by fire, and thus far Kasper hasn't even broken a sweat let alone stood a chance of getting burned. Still, the las Read Full Review

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