Captain America and the First Thirteen #1
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Captain America and the First Thirteen #1

Writer: Stan Lee, Kathryn Immonen Artist: Greg Tocchini Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 9, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Peggy Carter. She’s enigmatic and beautiful, a woman with a mission. She’s a pistol... with a pistol. She’s all-American, just like Cap. She‘s prepared to sacrifice all, just like Cap. And she’s ready to double cross him if she has to, when she has to. Disguises and despair, guns and glory. It’s a tale of amour and honor in WWII France. She’s Cap’s first love and she’s going to make a lasting impression... even if it kills him!

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 9, 2011

    Though hardly a necessary read by any stretch of the imagination, this one-shot will hit the spot for any readers hungry for more Peggy Carter tales after reading Ed Brubaker's Cap run or watching the movie. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Mar 11, 2011

    Its easy to see these one-shots getting ignored, which is a shame because Captain America and the First Thirteen is solid, fun superhero comics, and a good amount of content (35 pages) for its $3.99 price tag, especially considering how many of Marvels ongoing, multi-part, 22-page issues cost the same price. I didnt even know it was coming out until I checked this weeks releases, but now Im set on picking up a few of the other Captain America and... one-shots coming out this month. Read Full Review

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