Conan takes on an impossible heist at the Tower of the Elephant! A precious jewel has been hidden away within its walls…and not even lions, a competing thief, or a giant, poisonous spider can stop him!
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All around great story and art. The whole story just flows from one scene to the next like a great movie. A true comic that can show others what the medium can really do with great storytelling.
(Cover Date: April, 1971)
Summary: Conan kills a fat Kothian after he gets offended over Conan's questions about the secret of the Tower of the Elephant. Conan meets Taurus at the tower who has killed the lone guard. They kill the silent lions in the garden below the tower. The two climb up the Tower. In the jewel filled chamber at the top, Taurus is killed by a giant black spider. Conan manages to kill the spider & goes inside the tower to find the chained, blind elephant-man, Yag-Kosha. He tells Conan how his people came to Earth long ago. As the lone survivor, he was enslaved by the sorcerer Yara. Conan thrusts his sword through Yag-Kosha's chest per his request. He takes the Heart of the Elephant gem to Yara below. After hold more