After meeting Jenna, a local barmaid, Conan is thrown into a terrifying plot at the temple of the Night-God. In addition to saving Jenna, Conan must hang onto his not-insignificant gold bounty!
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(Cover Date: June, 1971)
Summary: In Shadizar, Conan takes three gold objects from two squabbling thieves. Conan meets Jenna in a tavern who takes him to a blacksmith to melt the gold objects down into a heart. While kissing, they are set upon by three red-robed men from behind, who take Jenna away. The blacksmith tells Conan that Jenna has been taken by the worshippers of the Night-God. Conan sneaks into their minerat wearing their robe. Conan sees Jenna chained to an altar to be sacrificed to the Night-God. During the clanging of the bell in the darkness to begin the ceremony, Conan is discovered as an imposter. He uncovers a brazier & sees a giant bat taking Jenna. Conan grabs a flaming brazier & the priestess as he climbs on more
Average sword and sorcery tale. It’s done well but nothing special. It is still enjoyable and not ever story can be like the Tower of the Elephant. I can see why the first year of Conan though was so well received. Great stuff overall.