Dark Wolverine #84

Event\Storyline: Siege Writer: Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 31, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
5.5Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

SIEGE BLOCKBUSTER TIE-IN!! PART 2 OF 3 Daken has been given glimpses of the life he could have—as well as the lives he might destroy—and the time for a choice is finally at hand. Will he become a force for good...or reign as a king in Hell? Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis May 1, 2010

    Daken is offered a future where he is a leader of men during the Siege of Asgard. Will he rise up to the occasion or will he be a loner once more. I really liked this issue as it showed the best and the worst of the character. I really despise Daken as a character but I feel compelled to read his comic book series. I dont usually like clones of other characters like X-23, but Daken here is his own character. Hes not his dad, Wolverine and his even more interesting than the old man. Hes just crazy and a psychopath. Much of the fun of this series lies in the strong characterization by Way and Liu. Im not sure anyone else could make Daken such a formidable character. Camuncoli of course is a great artist, although Sandra Hope is his best inker to date. Catacchio brings another dimension to Camuncoli and in this gritty war with Asgard, it fits just right. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Mar 31, 2010

    This isn't the worst arc of Dark Wolverine I've read, but it is certainly the most disappointing my mind. There was so much potential for this arc, not just leading up to it, but even after the first issue. It's almost amazing how quickly the momentum swung in the past two issues. I'd almost prefer a consistently mediocre title, since the occasional good/great month always seems to get my hopes up before the eventual fall back down to earth. Still, if you were looking to finally get into Daken before Reckoning commences, this issue seems well suited to accomplishing that one goal, which may have been the intention the entire time. Too bad the arc was a waste for anyone else. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 31, 2010

    "Dark Wolverine" seems to me to be a book without boundaries set around the character. This issue certainly celebrates that, as you can see from the preview pages right here on CBR. Unfortunately, that also seems to translate into a story that really doesn't seem to go anywhere powered by a character that fails to inspire. Read Full Review

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