• Deadpool continues his quest for revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D. for stiffing him!
• Someone has been betraying S.H.I.E.L.D., and it seems to be...Agent Preston?!
• PLUS: AGENT COULSON! From the hit TV show AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.!
As a long time Deadpool fan, I have to admit that this volume continues to impress me more and more with every issue. This arc is bringing the book back to a bigger emphasis on comedy, but it's still developing Wilson and giving us lots of ridiculously fun action. There's plenty of solid gags, the artwork always does a fine job engaging us, Deadpool's given respect as a combatant, and the overall plot is both intriguing and a blast. What's not to love? Read Full Review
DEADPOOL continues to be an entertaining read thanks to some strong writing, humor and some great art. With this current arc building off of so much that has come before, there's a lot to like here, and with the promise that things are only going to escalate from here, there's a definite reason to keep looking forward to the continued adventures of Deadpool. Read Full Review
All in all, this issue is pretty much end to end action. And in those moments when it isnt, Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan are sure to fill the time with classic Deadpool-style humour that, as groan-worthy as it can be, is still very entertaining. Now is a great time to jump into this series, because if they keep it up, this arc is only going to get better from here. Read Full Review
The whole creative team impress thanks to a fast-paced issue full of action, humor and development that display very well why this current volume of Deadpool is pretty good. With some great art and colorization, it's a solid entry in this series so far. Read Full Review
I've had many regrets in my life, but not catching up with the new "Deadpool" until now has been one one of the biggest. Read Full Review