ENTER: VENOMPOOL (OKAY, SO MAYBE IT DOES GET BADDER!) VENOMPOOL! WOLVERINE! ZABU from the SAVAGE LAND! The IMPERIAL GUARD! Welcome to KILLEVILLE, Deadpool, hope you survive the experience! Just who is ARCATA, and what are her nefarious plans for everyone's favorite Merc with a Mouth?!
Rated T+
It's not bad, but it feels so off-course compared to what Liefeld managed to do with the original Bad Blood miniseries. Read Full Review
Deadpool: Badder Blood #3 is a bizarre mix of random scenes with random cameos that fill out pages to give Rob Liefeld an excuse to draw cool stuff. If you pick up this issue strictly for the visuals, it's money well spent. If you looking for a story underneath the noise, you may want to wait for the inevitable trade or skip this arc altogether. Read Full Review
Review at (5:25) in video
I'll kick a little credit toward Chad Bowers: He manages to make some of the jokes funny.
This issue is also a goldmine for unintentionally ironic dialogue to amuse the hate-reader:
"--Hell, it doesn't matter. Nothing does."
"We don't understand you, but we don't need to."
"...who cares if you survive the experience?"