Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1
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Deadpool: Suicide Kings #1

Writer: Mike Benson Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 8, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
6.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

“SUICIDE KINGS,” PART 1: DEALER’S CHOICE” Deadpool’s latest job has gotten him into a world of trouble. Everyone wants a piece of him -- and for a crime he didn’t commit! That’s right: Someone’s framed Deadpool, and it just might be the same guy who hired him in the first place, a guy who just might be using the mouthy merc as a wild card in a twisted wager. If Wade’s going to clear his name and serve up some revenge, he’s first got to avoid getting captured -- or killed -- by some of the Marvel Universe’s heaviest hitters: Daredevil, the Punisher and Spider-Man. more

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Apr 14, 2009

    Yeah, there is a lot of Deadpool around at the moment but thats understandable when the character is so much fun to read. Suicide Kings is giving the audience what they want. That its worth the effort means he hasnt reached a saturation point yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 8, 2009

    Suicide Kings #1 isn't a total strikeout, but it's performance so far is lackluster enough that I'm none too keen to read the remaining issues. If Benson doesn't spice things up significantly next time around, I think I'll be leaving this game early. Read Full Review

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