Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

Writer: Peter David Artist: Mike Wieringo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 30, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Simply a typical day for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man as he has to contend with a deadly opponent named Tracer, self-defense lessons with Captain America, and some disturbing news that will change his life in a distinctly negative manner.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Oct 17, 2005

    In The End: I may be sticking around after this storyline. I haven't completely decided yet (mostly due to financial considerations), but I really want to see how Peter deals with Spider-Man after this crossover ends. This issue had some great writing and art and served as a nice break from the insanity I have immersed myself in with all of the DC books I read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 19, 2005

    This is an interesting beginning to "The Other," and one which suggests a lot of promise for the crossover as a whole even if we dont really have any idea of where this is all going yet. Peter David seems to be a competent pair of hands to craft the initial chapters of the larger story, and even if his Spidey plays a little young for me, Ill be interested to see how the next two issues of his story (in upcoming issues of MK Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man) pan out. I would also give one final piece of praise to this issues cover, as what looked like a garish and over-simplified piece of art on internet previews actually proves to be a real attention grabbing and kinetic piece of artwork on the finished page, especially with that arresting red colour wash. I also like the Rian Hughes-designed The Other strap which runs down the left-hand side of the cover, as it will at least give some coherent look to a story which is spread over three different Spider-Man titles per month. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Ultimate Goblin Oct 2, 2021

    Well, I want to say, that in Russia this story arc was in one series and was published for 6 months. I hate the original idea of splitting it into 3 different series. It makes a lot of mess, I thing, but still gives a possibility to print this story faster. BUT! (And that's a very big but). There are different writers AND ESPECIALLY ARTISTS behind this series. It makes it... Well... It just doesn't feel like a one solid story. More like a jigsaw puzzle, but these parts of the puzzle are made from different material and etc. I hope you understood me, it's very hard to write thoughts like that... Also this story arc closed Marvel Knights Spider-Man vol 1 series and opened this one - Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man. I never read it, so can't more

  • 9.0
    iPodwithnomusic May 1, 2019

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Sep 3, 2024

  • 7.5
    Rhinoeat Mar 9, 2023

  • 7.5
    Mout Dec 28, 2021

  • 7.0

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