Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7

Writer: Peter David Artist: Roger Cruz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 14, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
7.5Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Spider-Man must prevent the mystically armored El Dorado from killing El Muerte, but perhaps more shocking: Aunt May and Edwin Jarvis go out on a date!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey May 2, 2006

    In The End: A solid end to a solid story. The fact that it was a two-parter kind of threw me off. I've gotten so used to four to six issue story-arcs that a story which takes only two issues to tell is a rarity. This after a one-shot, no less. If anything Peter David seems to be attempting to make this Spider-Man book as new reader friendly as possible, which is great and interesting considering the first four issues of the title were taken up with a massive crossover story. This issue had a good mix of furious action and quiet moments that had a good deal of character development to them. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 15, 2006

    David is really cranking up this title. Friendly Spider-Man #7 was an entertaining issue with a good mix of action and drama. I am eagerly awaiting the next issue! Read Full Review

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