• Playtime is serious business in the land of Marville and our tiniest heroes are putting in work to prove to their new neighbors which crew toughest.
• The smaller they are, the harder they brawl--this is BATTLEWORD after all.
Rated T
Marvel's Secret Wars event has been exciting, and it's great that they have been able to include this fun little series in that. It's a must-read for sure, because everyone needs something that's going to make them laugh. Grown-ups need to read this issue and so do the kids " in fact, this series is an excellent one to get kids into comics! Read Full Review
When the book's script and art come together like this, Giant Size Little Marvel is nothing short of a delight. Read Full Review
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #3 is exactly what it needs to be, a whole lot of fun. Not all of the gags land, but there are enough of them that the issue can rack up consistent chuckles and smiles. Its lighthearted nature is just the sort of palette cleanser superhero fans need against all of the Strum und Drang of events. Read Full Review
The first part of Giant-Size Little Marvel #3 nails the feeling of learning about a bunch of superheroes as a kid for the first time. But the second half loses steam with a string of less than funny gags and a focus on Zachary and Zoe. The last page is an adorable mini-masterpiece though, and this miniseries could have a chance at getting you hooked on a feeling again. Read Full Review