Guardians of the Galaxy #4

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Andy Lanning, Dan Abnett Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 20, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 5
8.9Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

When their HQ is sabotaged, the universe's scrappiest squad of butt-kickers must ask themselves: "Who do you trust?" Is there a Skrull amongst the Guardians? Maybe the recently returned and revamped Adam Warlock? Or Star-Lord? Rocket Racoon?

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 22, 2008

    Abnett and Lanning fixed my biggest complaint this issue the narration and I think it made a huge difference in my enjoyment of the book. While a cliched 'who do you trust' themed story, the setting and characterization elevate it above the rest of the rabble and make this a standout must read story. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Aug 22, 2008

    I think Kyle's grade might reflect his feelings of the series more than the issue by itself. While I enjoyed this story quite a bit, I feel it's the weakest offering so far. There's nothing bad about this issue, per se, it just failed to wow me. This is most likely due to me being spoiled with the team's constant dealings with galaxy shaking events (Annihilation, those crazy fissures, etc).Here, they're confined to the Knowhere and other than the constant back and forth between Rocket Racoon and Cosmo, I didn't find much more to get excited about.The bomb Starlord drops at the end is definitely a big one, and with Drax pissed off you know things are about to hit the fan. This is one of those story arcs that'll let things stew before coming to a full boil. And I can already feel the heat. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Daniel Crown Aug 20, 2008

    This issue stands as proof that with a little time and effort, it's possible to present tie-ins that don't distract from an individual title's creative flow. By issue's end Abnett and Lanning leave the reader with a strong implication the upcoming story arc will center itself on trust and substantiation, both necessary steps towards establishing the group as vital and enduring. We've been singing this book's praises since its inception, but it bears repeating; Guardians of the Galaxy is right on par with Marvel's very best titles. Abnett and Lanning have a formula for the extraordinary here and you should be paying attention. Read Full Review

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