Guardians of the Galaxy #23

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Valerio Schiti Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 21, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
6.3Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

• Venom finally takes a trip home! Can't wait to meet its folks. Or...the thing it spawned from...or whatever...
• But with the symbiote becoming more and more uncontrollable, this may be seriously bad news for the Guardians.
• I mean...come on guys! Can't they have ONE nice vacation? Always with the monsters and aliens and lasers and stuff...

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jan 22, 2015

    While the "Planet of the Symbiotes" arc might feel a bit overlong, the conclusion is satisfying in that it gives context to the symbiotes' presence in the Marvel Universe and effectively explains their characterizations over the years. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Jan 26, 2015

    In all honesty, this issue was a bit of a mixed bag, with the lack of action and the rush past the actual Planet of the Symbiotes acting as the counter to the vastly interesting idea of hive-mind space samurai bonding with intelligent hosts. If that idea appeals to you though, its definitely a worthwhile read. And who knows, now that Flash will seemingly have a greater connection to the Symbiote hive-mind perhaps the homeworld will be revisited at some point in the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jan 26, 2015

    Guardians of the Galaxy #23 isn't a terrible comic. In fact, their are flashes of greatness throughout the issue; for example, the work of Valerio Schiti and Jason Keith and the firm grasp that Bendis has on the personalities of everyone's favorite a-holes. Those aside, a finale should feel like a finale, and Guardians of the #23 doesn't feel like one at all. It feels more like a stop gap issue, leading into another crossover with the X-Men. While some may argue that that is just the way comic narrative's are structured or that comic finales will never truly feel like a definite ending because they are constantly ongoing, the fact remains that the effort should at least be made. Guardians of the Galaxy #23 makes a real effort, both in its scripting and its artwork, but not toward its own act break, where it should really count. Read Full Review

  • 4.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jan 21, 2015

    With so much of the writing feeling disjointed, artist Valerio Schiti is left to carry the rest of the book. He does his best, crafting some unique and eye catching spreads, but as a whole his depiction of the Klyntar and their world comes off as somewhat lackluster. Much of this has to do with the issue's overly rushed presentation, but when you have one chance to add to canonical history, you gotta swing for the fences. That doesn't happen, and with the next chapter of the Guardians' tale already set in motion, Planet of the Symbiotes feels like a distant memory. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jan 21, 2015

    As The Planet of the Symbiotes closes up, it was easily one of the stories I was most excited for this year and one of the biggest let downs of the year. We get some great art and Venom in a cool, new costume which actually makes him fit on the team a whole lot better, but that's about it. This issue is a rushed information dump of everything Symbiote in order to progress to the next issue. This was a story that I wanted to be great, and it wasn't. If it weren't for the art, this would be rated a bit lower. Disappointment aside, if you want to see how Venom gets his new suit, saddle up. Otherwise, skip out on this one. Read Full Review

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