Incredible Hulk #42

Writer: Bruce Jones Artist: Lee Weeks Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The hostage crisis goes from bad to worse as Bruce Banner's monstrous alter ego enters stage right with a vengeance!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 4, 2002

    This issue does a pretty nice job reaffirming my newly found belief that Bruce Jones writes a far better story when the Hulk remains a largely unseen presence. On one hand it is nice to see the Hulk unleashed on this small town, and there's some impressive moments in this conflict that nicely present the idea that the Hulk is a regular engine of destruction. However, this rampage also acts to play against the idea established in the previous issues. I mean it's hard to view Banner as being unjustly hunted by this mysterious group, as one only has to look at the damage the Hulk managed to generate, and the idea of his capture doesn't seem quite so unjust. Still, the book also manages to hint that this group's motives for wanting to capture the Hulk aren't exactly altruistic, and that Banner is a greater danger to the world as a prisoner of this group, then he is as a free man. Still, this issue wasn't as intriguing as the earlier issues, but I imagine next issue will hold up better, as Read Full Review

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