Incredible Hulk #63

Writer: Bruce Jones Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

It's cover-to-cover action, as the Hulk squares off against Krills, Krills and more Krills!!! (Did we mention there were lots of Krills?)

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 23, 2003

    A fairly intense issue as the Krill make for a solid threat for the Hulk to square off against, and the issue does a great job of selling the idea that there is a stage where the Hulk's rage essentially takes over, and even his closest allies had best beware when he's in such a state. The idea that the Krill were design the drain a sample of the Hulk's blood and scurry back to home base for this collected sample to be analyzed is also a rather clever idea, that is used to good effect in this issue. This issue also gives the mysterious leader of the Secret Conspiracy a bit more personality, as he's no longer simply a mystery face on the monitor, but rather a genuine personality that enjoys taking part in the intellectual gambits that are playing out in this series. I am a bit concerned about the moment in this issue that casts doubt on the big reveal regarding Mr. Blue's identity though, as I'm already quite satisfied with the answer we've been given, and frankly I see little to be gain Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Ultimate Goblin Feb 18, 2023

    WHAT THE... ACTUAL... FUCK... NOW HE'S SAMSOM. SAMSOM!!!!!!! That's the first time I see such shit in comics... It doesn't look like an intentional thing to laugh. Or maybe it is. But it's not funny at all. I mean, the comic inside is a horror basically, how can it be funny? It doesn't even look like Bruce Jones' mistake, I doubt the writers do something with the "previously in the comic" page. Also they took the frame from the comic for the cover. That's kinda lazy.

    Of all these lizards only two of them could bite Hulk. Cool, believable. Also there was another excuse for a woman to undress in this series. Cool! Betty is really alive and it's not a drill like before. Cool!

    No, it's not cool. Everything here is sooooooo more

  • 5.5
    Mout Oct 15, 2021

    stop it with women fighting over bruce in every issue, fuck

  • 9.5
    John Pomoli Oct 22, 2022

  • 8.0
    Hermann Lasse Jan 16, 2023

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